PBS Newshour. October, 10, 2022. University of California, Berkeley repatriates cultural artifacts to Indigenous tribe
American Museum of Natural History (AMNH). "2021 Distinguished Lecture in Anthropology."
Wednesday, December 15. Sabrina Agarwal, Alyssa Bader, Heather Edgar, and Fatima Jackson. This year's topic, "What osteological collections can tell us", with panel of four experts who reflect on what can be learned from human skeletal collections using state-of-the-art technologies and practicing descendant community engagement.
Trent Trombley. February 18, 2020. "A Fé na Vida e na Morte: arqueologia funerária de dois sítios medievais de Santarém," 142ª Assembleia de Investigadores do Centro de Investigação Professor Doutor Joaquim Veríssimo Serrão. Santarém, Portugal.

Forum Fulbright. Trent Trombley, May 2020. "Faith And Funerary Space: Archaeological Perspectives On Religious Identities In Medieval Shantarîn (Santarém)"
Ask an Archaeologist, Archaeological Research Facility, UC Berkeley. José Marrero Rosado, May 2020. "What can human bones tell us about epidemics in the past?".
Ask an Archaeologist, Archaeological Research Facility, UC Berkeley. Martha Diaz, May 2020. "Using Bioarchaeological Methods to aid in Humanitarian Efforts"
Ethics of study of the Atacama mummy: Interview with Sabrina Agarwal, ": “The Controversial Study of a Girl Who Ufologists Called ‘Alien”, Atlantic magazine, March, 28, 2018.
Neolithic Women and Strong Bones: Invited guest, Sabrina Agarwal. Radio program “Science Friday”: December, 1, 2017
Sabrina C. Agarwal. (2017). "Reading the Bones". Natural History Magazine. May: 26-29.
Berkeley Blog. Katie Kinkopf (2015). "Performing destruction: cultural heritage, looting and ISIS"